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View Full Version : Red Vented Bulbul

Anand Madabhushi
29-08-2012, 01:21 PM
TV 1/25, f 8, ISO 500, 100-400@235, built in flash bounced from the roof. A solid Manfrotto 055XPROB purchased for this shoot.

This Bulbul has set up her residence across two wires on which a creeper is growing in my garage. She has laid eggs and hatched them here. For the last two days I have been observing her feeding the three chicks. In a span of an hour or so 5 courses of (insects and one vegetarian dosa) meal were fed on the first day. Today, seven courses of insects.....different each time....were fed.

Anand Madabhushi
29-08-2012, 01:23 PM
This image seems to be better???? 1/25 at f14.

Mrudul Godbole
29-08-2012, 05:12 PM
It is good that you have been observing from a distance, as nesting photography can be a issue, as it might harm the chicks. Using a wider aperture like f8 would have been good as presently the shutter speed it very low. The second image looks better. Nice moment captured. Thanks for sharing.

Rajan Kanagasabai
29-08-2012, 06:29 PM

Nice moment and well pictured.

Agree with Mrudul, nesting photography is a sensitive issue, which has had some indepth discussions in the past . . .




Anand Madabhushi
02-09-2012, 07:56 PM
Mrudul, Rajan and friends,

I read the thread posted by Rajan.

This nest in in my garage. I do not let any one else closer to the car except the guy who cleans the vehicle. The doors are not banged when I get in/out of the car. First thing in the morning and the last thing in the night I check on them. They are doing good. In fact the mother perches on my car door even if I am in the car. :-)

Aware of the privacy of the birds, I was about 10 feet (far end) away using a 100-400.

Immediately after I read Mrudul's observation I have not photographed them.

Thank you for your inputs.


It is good that you have been observing from a distance, as nesting photography can be a issue, as it might harm the chicks. Using a wider aperture like f8 would have been good as presently the shutter speed it very low. The second image looks better. Nice moment captured. Thanks for sharing.