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View Full Version : Up above the shackles

Prajwal J Ullal
06-09-2012, 12:36 PM
Recently had been on a week long trip to Bangalore and in the mean time had also been to Mysore and during the visit to the Mysore Zoo I came across a strange sight, A peacock was sitting on one of the top most branches inside the zoo, though it wasnt inside any cage or restrictions.
It enjoyed the cool weather of the Mysore and was, at times, peeping at the crowd moving around...

Canon EOS 550D
Canon 100-400 IS
Shutterspped 1/125sec
ISO 800
Aperture Priority
+1 Exp compensation
Focal Length 300mm

Mrudul Godbole
07-09-2012, 10:07 AM
I hope it was a wild peacock and not from the zoo. Its got quite nice tail feathers long and thick. Good you got the eye in clear. Thanks for sharing.