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View Full Version : Albizia saman

Steve Lockett
23-04-2012, 01:47 AM
Canon 7d
Sigma 70-200 f2.8 at 200mm
ISO 400
Shutter 1/400
Aperture f2.8
Handheld using aperture priority

I took this shot of the common rain tree during a walk in the grounds of Jungle Retreat at Mudumalai in the first week of April.

Sabyasachi Patra
24-04-2012, 08:21 AM
Hi Steve,
Good to see this species. Not many people document plants and flowers, so the overall understanding of readers here become limited. So I am happy with this post. I like the flower. One can also create nice abstracts of it. May be less space at the top would have given more prominence to the flower? Thanks for sharing.


Steve Lockett
29-04-2012, 10:17 PM
Thanks S.
You often see the flowers quite low down, but this one was high up. Having it higher lead to the leaves being more side-on, which I felt put more emphasis on the flower.
I'm not bothered by the Bokeh at the top, but would probably crop in slightly if I was printing it. Somehow the Bokeh echoes the flower, but I know some would find it distracting.

Sure there must be plenty of stuff like this even outside people's homes, so give it a go anyday, don't wait to be in the wild...