View Full Version : Indian Roller / Blue Jay.

Satishchandra Ranadive
02-02-2013, 01:44 PM
This image was created yesterday morning. I have provided the perch for small birds, but somehow this Indian Roller liked it, where crow could not land. He was harassed by crows and he has injury on the back (you can see the upwards feathers).Today morning he was better and feathers were at normal position. Cropped for composition and sharpened.NR applied to BG.
ISO: 1600, 1/1600 @ F: 5.6.Evaluating metering. Exposure bias: +0.7.Av mode.

Saktipada Panigrahi
02-02-2013, 06:24 PM
Very candid image. This peace loving (and colourful) bird has to face much sufferings in life. [ like a 'Neem Tree' : A famous bengali short-story by Banafool]. Thanks for sharing.SaktiWild

Sabyasachi Patra
02-02-2013, 06:38 PM
The crows might be trying to peck at its injury. The crows are shrewd and try to take advantage of a situation. The eyes of this Indian roller appear to be full of pathos. Thanks for sharing.


Mrudul Godbole
03-02-2013, 02:34 PM
Nice colours. Liked the eye contact. Where was this photographed? You said you have provided the perch for small birds, you mean you planted this branch for birds? Thanks for sharing.

Prasad Dingankar
05-02-2013, 09:13 AM
Nice Image. The first time I capture this bird, on natural perch, all Images I captured turned soft. Then after I never got it on atural perch with clean BG. Thanks for sharing.