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View Full Version : Black & White

Vikram Nanjappa
21-06-2009, 10:50 AM
Trying my hand at Black & White , fully manual.

125 ASA
f 22
Shutter Speed 1/60
300 mm

Bibhav Behera
21-06-2009, 03:10 PM
Ahh Vikram,
A classic... I like the lighting a lot. the intensity of light slowly fading off towards the rear of the tusker gives a good feel... the other tusker is the BG is a bit of a distraction. wish you could have avoided that.

Sabyasachi Patra
21-06-2009, 07:42 PM
The texture of the elephant skin comes out nicely in Black and white.

I would have loved some more space in this image as the elephants are too tight in the frame. Also, I would have loved some more eye contact.


AB Apana
22-06-2009, 12:22 PM
I like this image, Vikram, but would have preferred to see the elephants whole.
