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View Full Version : Pesticides used in cities kill bugs and birds

Paramvir Singh
18-04-2013, 01:21 PM

It pains me to see that the municipality guy who goes around with the pesticide fogging machine, indiscriminately kills all kinds of bugs, bees and butterflies, when all he needs to do is kill mosquitoes.

When the bugs and bees are killed, the birds are too.

I remember a time when we had many more species of 'natural' birds (I shall avoid calling them 'exotic' : we had bee-eaters, parakeets, rollers, warblers, robins, etc), now all that remains are birds that can survive on human garbage (common myna, crows, pigeons etc).

Does anyone know of any example anywhere in the world where the local bugs, bees and butterflies population is spared the mass killing? Is there a pesticide or way that eradicates mosquitoes but not the other innocent bugs?

Its bloom time and the gulmohars and amaltash near my house are yellow with flowers, but hardly any butterflies.