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View Full Version : Quenching thirst

Sabyasachi Patra
10-01-2009, 01:42 PM
This image was created in Bandhavgarh National Park in an early summer morning.

I had clicked a few shots and then a group of tourists arrived at the scene and started talking. The tigress got disturbed, growled and left. On later occassions, I had timed this tigress drinking water for 15 minutes. That includes little bit of pause, head turn to survey the surroundings etc. But on this day, the tigress was there for only about 4 mins.

Canon EOS 40D, Canon EF 400mm F2.8 L IS USM, Canon EF 2xII, f6.3, 1/250 sec, ISO 400. Full frame.

Look forward to your comments.


Chitrita Chatterjee
24-04-2009, 03:20 PM

U outdid yourself this time..... what a brilliant shot...
the composition is just right... the colors are fabulous.
Just look at the yellow eyes... sharp,attentive even while having a refreshing drink.... I love the sqatting position you got her in. The reflection in the water looks lovely. Esp the tongue, reflecting so clearly....

AB Apana
24-04-2009, 03:53 PM
NIce light, nice compo. No nits here.


Kiran Ghadge
24-04-2009, 08:28 PM
Wow wow wow.. Beautiful image.. love the angle, moment, composition etc etc....Awesome shot
Thanks for sharing....

Rahul Parekh
25-04-2009, 07:27 AM
Excellent capture...loved the grass & alert eyes & ears...

People still don't understand the importance of life in the wild. :(

Anand Madabhushi
29-10-2011, 07:51 AM
What a symmetry in the body when crouched!!!!!!!