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Bibhav Behera
23-08-2009, 06:55 PM
This image of Warthogs from Africa was published in a Kannada local as wildboars attacking people and raiding crops in Kodaikanal...

Is this an attempt for a page filler or sheer stupid ignorance...

Sabyasachi Patra
24-08-2009, 10:11 AM
The text is in tamil and not kannada. Dinamalar is a widely read daily in Tamil Nadu.

I wish, our media does some basic research rather than just copying and pasting things from the net. It seems they got some images from the net and pasted it here. It also shows that our media doesn't respect the copyrights.

Probably, the warthogs with their tushes looked menacing enough to the editor of the daily. It is unfortunate that our media is more involved in creating sensational stories rather than taking up the task of educating people.


Mrudul Godbole
24-08-2009, 10:47 AM
This just shows, how the media can sperad wrong information and mislead people. It is unfortunate that the editor should not give any serious thought before publishing such news in the paper.

Will writing to the editor and bringing it to his notice help?

Bibhav Behera
24-08-2009, 11:12 AM
I forgot where I got this. But I remember that it was written there that some person had called up the editor, who was adamant that this was taken in Kodaikanal and wasn't a fake.

Abhishek Jamalabad
25-08-2009, 03:22 PM
Such ignorance... probably this img was chosen as the warthogs look menacing... Countless people may have actually believed it.

Lakshminarayanan Nataraja
25-08-2009, 07:16 PM
This is not only ignorance, but also arrogance. Media is very indifferent in wildlife and conservation issues. Tamil dailies carry so many such news in their dailies despite representations by so many wildlife conservation organizations.

They falsely report that elephants rampaged the tea gardens and browzed the tea !!! Elephants have no business with tea or coffee unlike humans and they just pass by with no option left.

In and around Coimbatore, where the conflicts are at a very high level, media publish these reports and creates a fit of rage in locals against the wildlife.

Renowned wildlife writer (in English and Tamil) Theodore Bhaskaran, had strongly condemned the media along with few wildlife groups. But, the ignorance and audacity of media is seemingly endless. Local news channels too behave similarly.

Thanks for sharing.

Rajeev Mathew
08-09-2009, 07:41 PM
One has to take the media reports on wildlife especially with a lot of salt. Hunting Falcons - basically hybrids of saker and gyr - are used by the princes of the middle east for hunting a wide range of animals and birds. They are fitted with radio tracking devices. And when one is sighted on the Indo-Pak border they are branded spy birds! I've seen pictures of Cattle Egrets captioned as Siberian Cranes!

Rajeev M.