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View Full Version : The beaked beauty

Prajwal J Ullal
06-12-2016, 08:32 PM
ID: Robberfly

A close up shot of a very cooperative Robberfly, perched on a Cockscomb flower. Never realized, until I captured this frame, that robberflies have an interesting beak that protrudes out of the dense, thorny, hairs that they have towards its frontal area. With the sun's light shining brightly on one side, it gave an interesting green shine to the complex eye.

Canon 550D
Canon 100mm macro
Shutterspeed 1/125
ISO 800
Handheld, external flash fired

Location: Nagla trail

Mrudul Godbole
09-12-2016, 03:34 PM
Lovely colours on the compound eyes. Actually after you mentioned about the beak, I had a closer look at the image and spotted it. Nicely captured. Thanks for sharing.

P.S - A small dust spot on the top right hand side.