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Mickey Verma
03-12-2019, 03:57 PM
Hello to everyone at IndiaWilds. Pretty excited to be a part of this community.

I am Mickey Verma from Delhi, a software engineer.

I love clicking nature, enjoying the beautiful skies, endless horizons, going on long motorcycle trips and trekking.

Recently I have started bird photography with my modest Nikon D3300, learning and understanding the eco-system and most importantly, respecting the nature because photography has changed my who perspective, it has literally helped me to see things differently. I try to share and motivate others also through photography. It's my passion and hope to learn and share from everyone here.

cheers and best regards,
Mickey Verma

Mrudul Godbole
04-12-2019, 11:15 AM
Welcome to IndiaWilds..!!

Photography helps you to be in close contact with nature and it has become very important that we spread the word to conserve nature. Not many people would be able to realise how fast the jungles and wilderness areas around us are getting destroyed. Good to know you too share the passion.

Look forward to see your photographs and share your views in the forums.

Keep posting.

Sabyasachi Patra
11-12-2019, 11:37 AM
Welcome to IndiaWilds!

Good to know about your passion.
The way our natural landscape is vanishing is a massive cause for concern. So keep on traveling, documenting and sharing. Hopefully the awareness raised will be of help in saving our wilderness areas. Ask questions if there is a doubt. It is also important to visualise a situation and that helps in learning.
