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Upendra Shevade
21-11-2009, 08:29 PM
Greetings to all. My name is Upendra Shevade residing at Pune and professionally Mech. engineer.
I love photography but new to wild life photography.Actually I don't have SLR and want to buy one. Can anyone guide me about right model - preferably Canoon- as presently using Canon.
I would like to learn about wild life photography from Indiawilds.
Hope to get guidance and tips.


Upendra Shevade

Bibhav Behera
22-11-2009, 05:49 PM
Hi Upendra,
Welcome to Indiawilds. I'm sure you will have a great learning experience here. Do check out the photography gear section for info. Also there is a rich tips and trick section to get you started with wildlife photography.

Coming to your SLR.. what is your budget and what kind of use do you intend for the SLR (Mammals/Birds/Landscapes)?

Sabyasachi Patra
22-11-2009, 07:03 PM
Hi Upendra,
Welcome to IndiaWilds!

There is a discussion regarding which camera to buy in the Equipment Discussions section. You can check that. And you can ask for suggestions there with your budget and people can answer accordingly.

There are tutorials in the Photography Tips and Workflow section. The best way to learn is to analyse the images posted and try to visualise what you would have done in that situation. That is why we insist on EXIF details so that other members can visualise the scene better. If you don't understand, ask in the same thread about the use of aperture, shutter speed, ISO etc.


Upendra Shevade
22-11-2009, 09:13 PM
Thanks Bibhav and Savyasachi. I'll check in the threads

Mrudul Godbole
23-11-2009, 11:08 AM
Hi Upendra,

Welcome to IndiaWilds..

Its good to know, you are interested in wildlife photography. Do keep taking photographs and posting, that will help you to learn faster. Look forward to see more from you.

Anuradha Nautiyal
02-12-2009, 06:53 PM
Hello Upendra,

Welcome to IndiaWilds. I can assure you that this is a great place to learn - not just photography but also about wildlife

Hope to see some nice shots from you :-)

Enjoy Maadi