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View Full Version : A Scrutinising Game: Brainfever Bird

Bibhav Behera
11-02-2010, 10:21 PM
I had some free time and I thought let's post a game.

You have to identify all digital alterations to this image, If any, and the location on the image where it has been made.
:cursing: :thumbup: :sneaky2:

A Clue for Crop identification: This was shot with a 300 F4L IS Lens on a 1.6 crop body.

Am not sharing the Exif yet. Will do once answers start coming...
Pour in your answers...

Look Carefully for alterations. Another way to identify is to download this image and play around with it. Lets see who comes up with the most answers...

Disclaimer: Digital alterations should ideally (if at all made) be declared. The intention of this game is purely for learning purposes and to aid develop a scrutinising eye for altered images, especially when digital photography ethics is a big discussion topic today.

AB Apana
12-02-2010, 11:13 AM
Bibhav, it is impossible to identify the crop. You seem to have opened up the image a bit and I see some smudges at the bottom right of the image.


Abhishek Jamalabad
12-02-2010, 05:11 PM
I see noise in some parts of the image, for e.g. in the dark parts of the branch along the left. That might suggest that you have opened the shadows.
Also, I guess you have cropped out a strip from the top or bottom...?

Bibhav Behera
13-02-2010, 12:30 PM
Yes the shadows have been opened. This has been cropped to 40%.
Apana is bang on with the smudge on the left bottom.
A good way to check for alterations is to download the image and play with the shadows and highlights, that often reveals more than what is visible to the eye with the actual image.
In this case, the top right corner had leaves. that was cloned. Also look for patterns. Another funny thing which can be seen is the leaf just above the branch on the right. If you see the two leaves closely they form the pattern of a circle. ie clone stamp.

If anyone has any other tips to check for alterations please share. :)