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Rakesh Sharma
15-02-2010, 09:11 PM
scientifically known as Chamaeleo zeylanicus. The term 'chameleon' is a combination of two Greek words, 'Chamai', meaning 'on the ground/earth' and Leon, meaning 'lion'. Thus, 'chameleon' means 'earth lion'. The foot structure, eyes and tongue of all the chameleons are the same. Read on to get more information on the Indian chameleon:
chameleons have the ability to change color whenever they are subject to changes in stimuli, like a change in light, temperature or emotion.

One of the most interesting features of Chameleon is its extremely long tongue, which at times may exceed its body length also. The tongue is sticky at the end, which helps the reptile in catching prey.

chameleon covered with granular scales and measures up to 20- 37 cm in length. Its feet are split into two main fingers, each of them attached with sharp claws that help in climbing trees. The upper and lower eyelids

Bibhav Behera
15-02-2010, 09:42 PM
@Rakesh. I believe this is a garden lizard and not a chameleon. I like the composition. Would prefer a bit more space up front and would tone down the highlights more. Thanks for sharing.

Mrudul Godbole
15-02-2010, 10:55 PM
Nice close-up. Agree about the highlights and the space. The background is nice and clean.
Thanks for the detailed information. Look forward to more.

Sagar Patil
16-02-2010, 06:24 PM
Yes this is Garden Lizard. Agree about highlights.
One of my pics of this creature is here (http://lh5.ggpht.com/_cw3RGq_PSKo/SnXrt-fktBI/AAAAAAAAFXo/KQfZAkiFO3I/s640/DSC04550.JPG).