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View Full Version : Quisqualis & the bee

Dr Hari Venkatesh K R
20-04-2010, 07:59 AM
Canon EOS 1000D, Efs 55-250mm
Shutter priority mode
f- 5.6
ISO - 800
WB- Cloudy
FL - 250mm

Abhishek Jamalabad
20-04-2010, 09:54 AM
Nice. Captured at the right instant. I like the limited DOF. A slightly higher SS would have been better, but you've already gone up to ISO 800. Wonder whether a bit of sharpening in PP will help.
This looks like some sort of fly rather than a bee.

Bibhav Behera
21-04-2010, 03:26 PM
Nice composition. Agree that this looks like a fly rather than a bee. Did you fire the flash? I like the colours in the eye. Thanks for sharing.

Dr Hari Venkatesh K R
21-04-2010, 06:11 PM
Thank you Abishek...actually when i had used higher SS with ISO1600 and maximum exposure comp...still i found the pictures to be very darker thats y i preferred this limit...but am not well acquainted to adjust ISO as per the scene..i find more grains or noise in it..still will keep experimenting..
Thank U Bibhav..no i havent fired the flash...i was afraid that the natural feel of the image would be lost...hence dint use it..any suggestions..??

Bibhav Behera
21-04-2010, 10:08 PM
Firing the flash after compensating it negatively (say -2/3) would have brought out more details in the fly. Also you could have given more DOF to the image since the flash would have provided some more light to the scene. You can find the flash compensation in the 1000D menu.

Mrudul Godbole
23-04-2010, 12:26 PM
Lovely composition. The clean background enhances the composition further. I think ISO 800 can be used in specific situations for a higher shutter speed but there will be some noise. If you can use a higher ISO than 800, then the noise will be clearly visible.

Look forward to more.

Sabyasachi Patra
28-04-2010, 11:15 AM
Lack of sharpness can ruin the image. Noise can be distraction, but I would prefer noise rather than have a soft image. I won't mind using the desired ISOs.

I like the composition idea. The bud near the edge of the right frame doesn't add to the composition and hence can be cropped out.

The shallow depth of field due to the f5.6 aperture doesn't cover both the flower as well as the subject.

A hint of fill flash can be good, however, I don't like flash. Anyway, the built in flash is not capable of working at such shutter speeds.

Thanks for sharing.
