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Vikram Gupchup
09-07-2010, 03:31 PM
This one is from Amboli . I think it is the Plain Banded Awl. These are very fast fliers ,have a tendency to perch at inconvinent locations , and dont allow photographers to approach close :)

Jitendra Katre
09-07-2010, 06:23 PM
i like this one,,,was the flash used?

Vikram Gupchup
09-07-2010, 06:53 PM
This was under trees so had to use flash. The skipper appeared very suddenly . So had no time to change any exposure settings (Aperture f 5.6) . just popped the flash and shot off. Not a nice way to approach photography....

Mrudul Godbole
09-07-2010, 09:12 PM
Nice colours and details. I liked the eye contact. Thanks for sharing.

Some information about Plain Banded Awl from wikipedia -

Hasora vitta, commonly known as the Plain Banded Awl,[2][3] is a butterfly belonging to the family Hesperiidae which is found in India and parts of Southeast Asia.

The butterfly, which has a wingspan of 45 to 55mm, is dark brown above. It resembles the Common Banded Awl Hasora chromus, except in the case of having a broad white band on the under hindwing which is outwardly diffused; also, its wings are more prominently glossed.
Other differentiating characteristics are:
Male: The upperforewing hasan apical spot, sometimes with another in 3. The upperforewing has no brand.
Female: The apical spot in the case of the female is larger, and there is an additional spot in 2.

Sabyasachi Patra
09-07-2010, 09:17 PM
The flash takes away attention from the eyes. The shutter speed was quiet low (1/80th of second). I wish you had time to put on something before the flash to diffuse it. the eyes look nice.

Can you confirm the distribution? Are they found throughout India?

Vikram Gupchup
10-07-2010, 07:12 PM
Distribution as per Book of Indian Butterflies is -
India ( Western Ghats - Maharashtra southwards , Sikkim to Arunachal Pradesh, Northeast , Andamans.
Bangladesh and South Myanmar.

Status : Not Common.

Habits: Prefers hill forests, Flight swift. Active at dusk and dawn . Visits flowers