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View Full Version : Introductions!

Sabyasachi Patra
22-02-2009, 05:27 PM
Finally, there is a corner for us where we can introduce ourselves. Please introduce yourself by starting a thread and ofcourse don't forget to post an image of yourself. This will help us in recognising each other in the field. And may be on a bad day in the road, when road rage takes over us, the familiar face helps us in holding back those barrage of expletives?? :D:D

The image posting norms remain the same. Max 300kb file size and 1024 pixels in the longest corner. And yes, the images need not be only taken when you are in a jungle. The following steps detail the image uploading process.

1) Click on the Post New Thread button.

2 ) A window would open. Fill up the Title. Type in your message.

3 ) Click on the attachment sign in the toolbar of the editor which is adjacent to the smile icon.

4) A new window will open.

5) Select the file to be uploaded from your computer by clicking the browse button.

6) Make sure the photo to be uploaded is (.jpg) and of max 200kb file size.

7) Click on the Upload button after the file is selected.

8) After successfull uploading the attached file will be displayed in the box below in the window.

9) Close the box once the file is seen in the attachment box.

10) Click on the Preview Post button. It would show exactly the way your post would appear. You can do any editing if required.

11) Click on the Submit New Thread button.