View Full Version : Little Grebe-breeding Plumage

Roopak Gangadharan
24-09-2010, 08:18 PM
been seeing Dabchicks in both breeding and Non breeding plumages togather from Last month begining.A friend tells me the Non breeding lot comes from up north and the breeding ones are residents . Any ideas on this???

Mysore outkirts.

500d 55-250, 250mm, f11, ISO400, ss 1/400,AE, Cropped image.
C&C welcome

Sabyasachi Patra
24-09-2010, 11:15 PM
Not sure if it is true. What is the basis of this observation? Composition wise I am ok. Wish you had a longer lens. Even with longer lens, one needs to hide and wait for them to come close.


Bibhav Behera
25-09-2010, 09:33 AM
The composition looks fine. The eye contact looks nice. The waterdrops on the back look good. Thanks for sharing, Roopak. :)

Mrudul Godbole
25-09-2010, 04:36 PM
Nice eye contact.The water droplets look nice. Including some surroundings would also have looked good. Thanks for sharing.

Praveen Siddannavar
25-09-2010, 06:07 PM
Nice image Roopak, I like the eye contact and water droplets on the back.