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Pralay Lahiry
24-10-2010, 03:27 PM
Hello everybody

My name is Pralay Lahiry from Calcutta (or Kolkata as they say nowadays. I am from the old school). I am 42 years old and a Merchant Navy Officer by profession. Wild Life is my passion from very early days but a limited knowledge of computers proves to be hindrance.

I am a member of Greenpeace. I believe that if we do not do something today our children will have nothing left and only some concrete jungles as legacy. When the last tiger walks out into the sunset, the soul of my country will be lost for ever. An India without the trumpeting of the startled elephant, without the sharp alarm call of the Chital, without the dank smell of her forests, without the thud of the hooves of the wild Ass will simply not be worth living in. I hope that the India of Corbett and Kenneth Anderson will not live only in the pages of history.
I am sure together we will make a difference.

Mrudul Godbole
24-10-2010, 04:16 PM
Hello Pralay,

Its nice to know more about you. We all at IndiaWilds also share your feelings about the wildlife in India and to save its last vanishing wilderness. Do keep sharing your photographs and views in the forum.


Sabyasachi Patra
24-10-2010, 05:43 PM
Hi Pralay,
Good to know about you. I agree that unless we take strong steps, there wont be anything left in a few years time.

When one reads the accounts of british hunters published in the Bombay Natural History Society, one can know of tigers swimming in the hoogly for 30kms (in one case), 18kms (in another ) etc. Now you can't even think of such a thing, not because of the lack of prowess in the part of the tiger, but the concretization of our countryside. :(

You can upload your self photo here, so that we can associate a face to the words. :-)
