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View Full Version : Lone companion..

Bhargava Srivari
09-06-2011, 09:31 AM
It was a rainy morning and after an hour of searching on every tree and behind every bush for any peice of life apart from us, we found this crested serpent eagle.
And it was compliant enough to provide itself as a subject for photography on a frustrating morning:)
f5.6, 1/160sec, ISO 1600, EV +0.7, 400mm
canon 60D, canon 100-400 L IS

Praveen Siddannavar
09-06-2011, 09:57 AM
Lovely image Bhargava, the details on the CSE has come out well. The compo is fine but can't better. The leaves at the top are framing the bird well. Why + 0.7 EC. The highlight at the bg is bit distracting. I am sure you had enough time with this CSE,. You could have tried giving a - EC, probably one stop.

Bhargava Srivari
09-06-2011, 10:38 AM
Thanks Praveen sir..I do have a few at -0.3 EC...and a verical composition. WIll share one soon:)

Abhishek Jamalabad
09-06-2011, 12:37 PM
Nice shot. I agree with the +ve EC, it has helped expose the shadowed parts well. The image looks oversharpened to me... it has produced sharpening artifacts and also some noise in the BG.
TFS, look forward to the other shots.

Bibhav Behera
09-06-2011, 03:42 PM
The levels of brightness in the background as well as the subject dont look to be too varied. Hence in my opinion I believe a small +ve exposure compensation would have sufficed to expose the shadows well. A +0.7 would only further help unless there are white areas that would get blown due to the additional 2/3 stops. In this case, exposing the shadows properly makes more sense than blowing out the background highlights. Hence in my opinion a 0 or a +1/3 would have been good enough. A +2/3 is fine given that you didnt have trouble with the shutterspeed :)

Bhargava, I am with Abhishek on the sharpening. It does look a bit oversharpened. The eye looks good and better so as it is in the clear. Perhaps moving a bit to the right would have helped you avoid the bright patch in the top right corner. Thanks for sharing.

Disclaimer: The comment on the Exposure compensation was assuming that such was the tonality range in the RAW image as well with respect to the subject and the background before processing.

Bhargava Srivari
09-06-2011, 03:48 PM
Thanks Bibhav and Abhishek..I only added very slight sharpening here but now I tend to agree with you on the issue:) And I haven't made any changes to exposure of the BG on this one..so Bibhav, your comment is taken:)

Dr. Kalpamoi Kakati
10-06-2011, 12:08 AM
Nice that you got something to practice your photography on such a dull morning.Nice compo.keep it up,it will definitely help you in improving your skill :)