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View Full Version : Robin with a catch

Atul Sinai
06-07-2011, 07:03 PM
Hi guys,

Is this a robin? Need help to identify the bird. Also please critique this image.

Canon 600D, 55-250mm

Shutter Speed 1/125
Aperture 5.6
ISO 400
EC +0.3

Focal Length 250mm

The light was not good while shooting.


Mrudul Godbole
06-07-2011, 09:17 PM
Can be a female, not sure though. The catch is nice. Where was this photographed? You have any images with the side profile? Thanks for sharing.

Bhargava Srivari
07-07-2011, 09:18 AM
This one is surely not an Indian Robin. May be an oriental magpie robin juvenile, but I have my doubts on that too. Will have to wait for others to chip in :)

Given the conditions and the gear you use, a very neat job.


Atul Sinai
07-07-2011, 08:26 PM
Thanks Mrudul and Bhargava for your comments. This photo was taken in a garden in pune.

Details of the side profile.

Shutter Speed 1/125
Aperture 5.6
ISO 400
Focal Length 250mm

EC +1.3

used in camera flash


Bhargava Srivari
07-07-2011, 09:16 PM

A little more space on the left will be good for the second image. It appears as though there was either camera shake or sudden movement from the bird as the head does not seem to be in critical focus. Also, it is better to avoid using flash in most cases as birds are shy and afraid of sudden flashes of light.
