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View Full Version : Canon 1D Mark V

Praveen Siddannavar
13-07-2011, 08:18 PM
I heard Canon 1D Mark V will be launched shortly, can anyone one provide details on its features and costs please

Rajan Kanagasabai
14-07-2011, 05:18 AM

There are a lot of news (rumors?) floating around on a mid September announcement for a 1D Mark V, which is speculated to be a full frame 25+ MP, high fps, completely new Autofocus system etc features - a camera that will lead to the amalgamation of the 1Ds/1D line.

Would be interesting to track this, for there is also the theory, that Canon and its subsidiaries are just limping back to normalcy, just about finding their feet after the catastrophic Tsunami and any new launches would be towards the beginning of 2012.


Sabyasachi Patra
14-07-2011, 09:31 PM
Normally costs of new cameras are not known. They give a tentative price based on what market can bear and also based on the competitive position of the camera.

It is true that the impact of Tsunami and earthquake on Japan has been huge. I have talked with a few suppliers and got the idea about the devastation. A number of suppliers have been completely wiped out. However, Japan is slowly limping back. The suppliers are developing alternatives. By early september they would be in a much better position.

It will be two years since the Mark IV is released. So one can expect a replacement. However, Canon as well as their competitors will decide. There are some launches planned for feb-march 2012. Am not too worried about any replacement for my Mark IV. Its a splendid piece of camera. The improvements required are in terms of feature sets in the video area. Check the details under problems to be fixed by canon in the Part III of the Mark IV review http://www.indiawilds.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3964


Bhargava Srivari
17-08-2011, 09:30 AM
I read on canonrumors that canon has a media event for August 29th :) So, there is a decent hance of a 1D mkv or a 1Ds mk iv announcemt then! I also remember reading somewhere that the 1D MkV will be at 40MP and will allow a 1.3x crop mode at 32Mp and a 1.6x crop mode at 21MP with pretty high continuous shooting rates:)


Soumendra Jena
10-12-2011, 06:26 AM
Thats going to be a fusion between 5D Mark2 and 1D Mark4.

So, expect the price around 5 lacs or so.

Sabyasachi Patra
12-12-2011, 07:37 PM
Canon has announced the EOS 1D X which is likely to be available late March 2012. It has a Full frame sensor. No information regarding the 5D II successor is available yet. The industry is reeling under the impact of natural calamities (Tsunami in Japan and floods in Thailand). The companies are going to take their time to announce new models.
