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View Full Version : Egret in flight

Udai Bisht
23-04-2009, 10:22 PM
Took this in the evening today. Its a full frame image at 400 mm. The bird was pretty close.

ISO 800
Aperture Priority

AB Apana
24-04-2009, 06:17 AM
Hi Udai,

Interesting shot here. Would have liked to have seen a bit more sharpness and a bit more space at the bottom of the frame.


Mrudul Godbole
24-04-2009, 11:33 AM
Hi Udai,

Nice photograph. I liked the detail in the wings.Agree with Apana about the sharpness and a some more space at the bottom.Thinking if a bit more brightness and contrast would make the image more intereting.

Look forward to more..

Sabyasachi Patra
24-04-2009, 11:33 AM
I agree with Apana. The egret is placed lower in the frame and the wing tip is nearly touching the edge. Composition wise it could be improved.

I increased the brightness. When you are photographing birds (a white bird like an egret) in flight against a plain sky, the meter of the camera is likely to bring down the exposure as the metering of the camera is based on 18% Gray. So you need to give a positive compensation for that.

I increased the exposure by about +0.76 and also increased the contrast.


Udai Bisht
24-04-2009, 07:45 PM
Thanks Apana and Mrudul for the suggestions. Appreciate it very much. Nice PP Sabyasachi. I guess I need some more time tinkering with the settings. Come to think of it, instead of giving a +ve EC as you suggest, I had done just the opposite! Had given a -0.3 step compensation :confused:

I wanted a faster shutter speed so had bumped the ISO to 800 and given a -ve compensation. Now I think I should have opened the aperture to 5.6 instead of fiddling with the ISO.

Thanks for the time guys.