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View Full Version : Mirchani Cub (Male) - Working Portrait 2

Anand Madabhushi
28-10-2011, 09:13 PM
He stopped at a cement slab near the Mirchani Zone.

1/400; f6.3; Evaluative; 70-300@300; ISO 1600; High-speed Continuous; One of the 9 images shot at different focal lengths from 130-300.

After this shot, he goes to the watering hole and returns after a drink. To sit and give portraits turning his head from left to right and back.....65 images.....before other gypsies arrive.

Mrudul Godbole
29-10-2011, 08:38 AM
Nice sighting. Lovely stare. Seems he was really thirsty. I would like a slight more space at the bottom. You could have added some space from the right ( to include less of the cement slab) and more to the left to include the tail in full.
All these cement structures in the jungle make it look as if the tiger is in a Zoo, but cant help it :(. So trying to include less of it and more of the natural surroundings is good. Thanks for sharing.

Anand Madabhushi
29-10-2011, 08:43 AM
The Tail is the best possible in this image though I have the tail in its full glory in other shots. As you yourself said, the space to the right is very crowded with "writing on the wall..." :laugh:

Nice sighting. Lovely stare. Seems he was really thirsty. I would like a slight more space at the bottom. You could have added some space from the right ( to include less of the cement slab) and more to the left to include the tail in full.
All these cement structures in the jungle make it look as if the tiger is in a Zoo, but cant help it :(. So trying to include less of it and more of the natural surroundings is good. Thanks for sharing.

Sabyasachi Patra
29-10-2011, 11:14 AM
I agree with Mrudul. The first reaction of people will be that it is from zoo.

Some more space at the left to include the tail in full would have been good. The slight cutting of the tail looks accidental and doesnt add to the image. In the initial days it happens. I am sure next time you will be better prepared. Thanks for sharing.
