View Full Version : Film Festivals - Screening of "A Call in the Rainforest"
Sabyasachi Patra
19-02-2012, 10:31 AM
Dear All,
Due to my busy schedule, I have not been able to update you all about the screenings of my film "A Call in the Rainforest" in various film festivals.
I am pleased to announce that the film will be screened in the following two film festivals this month:
Kirloskar Vasundhara International Film Festival - Bal Gandharva Auditorium, Pune - 25th Feb 2012 at 8pm.
The complete schedule is here: Kirloskar Vasundhara International Film Festival (KVIFF) ( You can find it on Page 41 and page 44.
Haida Gwaii Film Festival, Canada
Feb 26th 2012, 4pm. The complete schedule can be found here:
Earlier, at Wild India film festival, Pune on 15th Jan 2012 the film was screened.
In case anyone is in Pune on 25th Feb and in Canada on 26th Feb, you may attend the screenings.
Manasi Chaphalkar
26-02-2012, 01:39 AM
Hi All,
I attended the screening of "A Call in the Rainforest" today at Balgandharva Rangmandir in Pune. I also attended other screening of some foreign films which were really very informative and knowledgeable. Some of them which i liked other than "A Call in the Rain Forest" truly are:
1.Home our Garden of Eden - Suresh Elamon and
2.Life Force - Brazil Cerrado - Satoshi Okabe
A Call in the Rain Forest was mesmerizing. This is the first time for me to attend such screenings about nature, wildlife and conservation. Personally i did not have indepth details and knowledge of Lion Tailed Macaque's. I really liked the documentary and efforts taken towards conservation of these primates. Most of the people think that Tigers are only endangered species as there are tiger projects and "Save Tiger" projects running around. By documenting these primates we come to know there are so many other species which are on the verge of extinction or are endangered.
I really liked one particular scene in documentary where these primates are ripping off the posters on the tree to show displeasure about human enchroachments. That is alarm call for all humans.
I was bit unpleased by the way the schedule maintained at Kirloskar Vasundhara film festival as there were no proper co-ordinators to assist the people. And the screening timings should be changed as i went at 8 pm for the screening and the last screening was "A Call in the Rain Forest" which actually started at 10.35 pm when most of the people had already left the auditorium. There were hardly 10-15 people remaining till the end. When the object of such film festivals is to create awareness and encourage maximum people to come forward for conservation by keeping such timings will it serve the purpose??
Sabyasachi Patra
26-02-2012, 05:06 PM
Thanks for sharing your detailed account. Nicely written. You should write more often and participate more in the discussions here.
Good to know that you liked the film. It was an effort to present a holistic perspective. When I tell people that I have done a film on Lion-tailed Macaques, many people give me a blank stare. People just don't know beyond a few animals. And many of them are the so called elites working as head of various organisations.
According to I&B Ministry (Information and Broadcasting) late night timings are meant for movies and serials that require parental guidance. So I am not sure how scheduling the film at 10.35 pm in the night is going to help promote awareness about critical environment and wildlife issues. I was told by many people that they reached the venue to find that the schedule has been changed and they had to come back.
I am sure this film will be screened in many film festivals and non-festival screenings to spread the message. The previous screening in Bal Gandharva auditorium had about 800 odd people. I guess as part of Kirloskar Vasudha film festival there will also be screenings in various part of Maharashtra. I will post when there are other screenings.
Manasi Chaphalkar
28-02-2012, 10:20 AM
Thanks Sabyasachi for the information. Due to my schedule it gave me little time to be active on this forum. Even if i havnt participated actively in any discussion i have been following indiawilds for quite some time now. This has given me lot of indepth knowledge and created a serious awareness in me. I thank Indiawilds for making me part of this forum.
Can you give me any details like where do i get the DVD of "A Call In The Rainforest" and will there be any screenings in any part of US?
Sabyasachi Patra
29-02-2012, 06:00 PM
I haven't planned any screenings in US. Frankly speaking because of my busy schedule, I haven't been able to conduct more screenings in various cities in India. A few members have taken the DVD and have done screenings in few cities. I think it would be a good idea if our members can go to their schools and colleges and show the DVD to raise awareness. I will plan more screenings later.
I will enter the film in a few international festivals and will let you all know when it is screened. If we can get a champion in US who can take the lead and screen it there, then it will be great.
Send me your address and I will mail you the DVD.
Manasi Chaphalkar
02-03-2012, 02:19 PM
Hi Sabyasachi Sir,
I have already mailed my details to Let me know the mode of payment.
Krishnadas N Mallya
02-03-2012, 05:25 PM
Hi Sabyasachi Sir,
I have already mailed my details to Let me know the mode of payment.
I too have sent an email, I guess the admin(is that only you Sabyasachi?) is busy as I'm yet to hear back.
Krishnadas N Mallya
Manasi Chaphalkar
07-03-2012, 02:23 AM
Hi Sabyasachi Sir,
I have received the DVD today.Many thanks. In what mode i should make the payment??
V S Sankar
09-03-2012, 09:08 PM
I received the courier which contained the DVD "A call in the rain forest" today.
Immediately after reaching home saw the DVD along with my son.To put it in a nut shell the movie is absolutely wonderful.The videos taken with Canon 1D Mark IV is fantastic.I liked the way the movie began and the narration by Sabyaji is very nice.
I have been to Valpari and the film brought fond memories for me.During my visit,I didnt bump into a Lion tailed Macaque,though!
The film is edited well and the music encompasses the overall mood of the film.The LTM eats mostly berrys and fruits,and it is the Western Ghats which offers them that throughout the year,was a new information for me.
Was the video of the tiger shot in Bandipur?
Congratulations Sabyaji for bringing out such a good wildlife film.I hope this is only the beginning.Wish you and your team good luck for future endeavours.
Murugan Anantharaman
27-03-2012, 12:21 PM
Interesting and nice to know that the film' A Call in the Rainforest' is gaining popularity and hopefully will result in spreading of the much required message, lots need to be done to save our diminishing wildlife. Its unfortunate that I missed out on the screenings but am sure sometime soon we can hear about them.
Sabyasachi please let me know if there is a site from where the film can be downloaded. I can understand if everyone starts asking for a copy through courier its just going to add to more effort in terms of time. As I write this an idea just flashed by, why not have a tab in the indiawilds site called shopping wherein films like these can be sold. It is definitely a big deal to manage it I understand but just sharing a thought.
Congrats on your film Sabyasachi!!!
Sabyasachi Patra
28-03-2012, 09:17 AM
Thanks for your suggestion. IndiaWilds portal would be upgraded. The shopping page can be created. However, at this point we will not be able to include an electronic payment gateway as that is too costly.
Apart from the film DVD, you guys can buy IndiaWilds mementoes like Cross Pen, Cap etc. It can be a good way of cross subsidising some part of the clothing and other things that we donate to forest department staff.
In the past there have been suggestions for me to take donations. I am not very comfortable with that. However, I am ok to take photography workshops for groups as well as one-to-one workshops to raise some funds for IndiaWilds. This thought came to my mind when a Joint-Secretary in a Ministry here in Delhi told me that if Vijay Mallya could despite his wealth could not save a venture like Kingfisher Airlines which doesn't make money, then no one else can. So I am ok to take workshops and one on one for people.
If anyone wants to buy the DVD of the film "A Call in the Rainforest". For ordering details check here: A Call in the Rainforest – DVD (
Debasis Bose
21-07-2013, 01:18 AM
Dear Sabyasachi, "Awesome" documentary. I agree with all your points as depicted at the end of documentary from 16.30 mins to 17.21 mins to be specific, to save the last of the wild. Three points more would have addressed the root cause for decimation of forest and her beautiful denizens. And they are as follows
1. Educating human race at home and from kindergarten to at least high school, about flora and fauna, how they affects us and how to live in harmony with nature, repect every living kind and know that they too have right to live on this planet.
2. Educate that destroying any one link of the nature is one step towards destruction of planet earth and human race
3. Educate not to infringe into wildlife territory for livelihood. Humans does not like any infringement of animals into their own territory, same things should be applicable for wildlife and forest covers too.
Wish you all success in your noble endeavour.
Debasis Bose
Sabyasachi Patra
24-07-2013, 06:04 PM
Dear Debasis,
I agree with your points.
The story about the Kanda maneater in the school book had impressed many people. I was fortunate to be introduced to Jim Corbett and Kenneth Anderson's books in class 4. Also, dad had found shikar books of three well known writers from Odisha during that time. I think if stories about nature and wildlife are included in the curriculum in the schools then it would really have an impact.
Your second point is very vital. We seem to pick and choose what to conserve. We have to be holistic and preserve the entire ecosystem.
Your third point brings a smile to my face. We all need our personal space. Even World Labour Organisation prescribes minimum space for labourers. In the airport while waiting in the mandatory queue for security check in, people gently elbow each other to make more space for themselves. :) We have to create inviolate spaces for our wildlife.
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