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View Full Version : Big Family

Div Puri
06-05-2009, 11:49 AM
This picture was taken in the grasslands of Corbett around the Dhikala region. It shows the social structure in the elephant family with the protective mother and the matriarch in the position of power and leading the herd.

Canon 5D, Canon EF 100-400mm
ISO 200, F5.6 1/25, 400mm

This is my first post and if I have missed out anything or didn't do something the right way please let me know.

C&C welcome.


Rahul Parekh
06-05-2009, 12:12 PM
beautiful capture...but need some make-up :) Hope you like it...

Kiran Ghadge
06-05-2009, 12:20 PM
This is nice image. looks good. you have captured the mood perfectly.
You shot this at 400mm. I would have loved to see more space also including entire herd would have better.
Also I feel image contrast and sharpness can be improved

Div Puri
06-05-2009, 01:37 PM
Yes, definitely makes a difference. Thanks a lot for taking out time :)

Div Puri
06-05-2009, 01:44 PM
This is nice image. looks good. you have captured the mood perfectly.
You shot this at 400mm. I would have loved to see more space also including entire herd would have better.
Also I feel image contrast and sharpness can be improved
Hi Kiran,
Thanks for the suggestions. I do struggle at times with the sharpness in my images. When clicking i try using a pillow to the rest the camera and hold it down using my other hand. Do you or anyone on this forum have any suggestions for me on how I can improve sharpness? Also, I do struggle with metering and any help on that would be awesome.


AB Apana
06-05-2009, 03:33 PM
At 1/25 sharpness will be a problem. Is this a misty morning? This picture could work, but there has been an amazing loss of detail in the PP, giving this iamge a painterly feel.


Sabyasachi Patra
06-05-2009, 06:19 PM
Shutter speed was obviously low as pointed out by Apana. I agree that including the entire heard would have strengthened the image.

If I were you, I would have used a bean bag or a tripod and used mirror lockup with a shutter release. The high ISO ability of 5D is good. So you could have increased the ISO to ISO 400 as well.

For sharpness check this in the tips section:

Mirror Lockup:


Kiran Ghadge
07-05-2009, 09:47 AM
Div... Agree with Saby about bean bags, they help a lot in wildlife photography in vehicles...

Div Puri
07-05-2009, 10:20 AM
Thank you everyone for your suggestions. Now I can't wait to get back in a park and work on this.