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View Full Version : Greetings From Pink City

Dhiraj Kapoor
09-05-2012, 11:23 AM

My name is Dhiraj Kapoor and as the thread title suggests I am from Jaipur, Rajasthan. I am 37 years old and have my own business. Having my own business and because its not that big, it gives me a lot of time to pursue my hobbies and my interests.

I like anything that is outdoors. I love to trek and I find Himalayas the most beautiful and the most soothing to go to. I have done quite a few treks in the Himalaya's and that include the Kailash Mansarovar Yatra, which actually I have done twice once from India side and the other from Nepal side.

Trekking involves spending a lot of time with nature, so my love for wild life comes along naturally with it. Actually I am lucky being in Jaipur as I have 2 National Parks within close proximity. One being Sariska and the other being Ranthambhore (and not Ranthambore). I now seen Tigers in both the parks but mind you watching other animals in their natural environment gives me the same amount of pleasure and happiness as watching the big cat on the prowl. So basically I never come back disappointed from a safari.

Photography is the by-product for the activities listed above. I own a Sony A200 with 18-70mm and a 70-300mm lens. But to be frank, I am pretty bad at it.

And if you guys still have not guessed, I love to write, hence such a big introduction.

Lastly I am happy to be here, hopefully will get to learn a lot from the knowledge shared by members here.
