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Vijay Rajan
18-06-2012, 03:26 PM
At the outset, I’d like to thank Sabyasachi Sir & Mrudul Madam for having invited me to join this forum.

I am entrepreneur armed with a Degree in Mechanical Engineering, running my own business related to the Automotive & pharmaceutical industries in Mumbai. Sadly, it took a shocking number 1411 (the dwindling population of Tigers) as well as the rampant deforestation around us to put on my thinking cap.

Joining wonderful forums such as India Wilds & NGOs like Tiger Watch (led by Dr.Dharmendra Khandal) are baby steps in that direction and I hope to transform myself from being a Nature lover to a Conservationist. Since I am an awful wildlife photographer, I reckon it makes sense to keep admiring the amazing images posted by fellow IW members while actively participating in conservation movements across India to save our pristine forests. Thank you once again !

Roopak Gangadharan
18-06-2012, 05:53 PM
Hello Vijay,

Welcome to Indiawilds.

Hope to see you participate actively on the forum. 1411 is some publicity whizkid's whim.... dwindling population of Tigers is a bitter fact, which will need helping hands along with thinking caps . Nice to know that you have lent you pair for this noble cause. Hope to meet you on the field sometime.


Mrudul Godbole
18-06-2012, 09:14 PM
Hello Vijay,

Welcome to IndiaWilds..!!

Its good to know you are keen to help on various conservation issues. If everyone contributes a little it will definitely add up to a big thing. Look forward to share your views or various conservation topics. Keep posting.

Vijay Rajan
19-06-2012, 08:21 AM
Mrudul Madam, thank you very much for your kind comments. I look forward to doing my bit !

Roopak, thanks for your kind comments. Although I wish I'd embarked on this journey earlier, I guess it is never too late to listen to your heart. Look forward to meeting you too !

Sabyasachi Patra
19-06-2012, 05:34 PM
Hello Vijay,
Welcome to IndiaWilds!

Conservation has become such a challenging task, everybody has a role to play be it researchers, activists, writers, photographers, film makers, NGOs, Govt. etc. Many people ask me what they can do as they are not photographers. I tell them to just read the issues and shoot an email. Lets register our protest. Let us be assertive and raise our voice. I am sure we can bring about change.

It is never too late to start working on a good cause.


Vijay Rajan
20-06-2012, 09:00 AM
Dear Sabysachi Ji,

Thank you very much indeed for the warm welcome.

The human race is supposed to be the most evolved species on this planet with the ability to discern and reason and therefore the one who must preserve the eco-system and save this planet. Our own survival and wellbeing is intertwined with the wellbeing of all species and each species has its necessary and rightful place in our eco-system. As someone rightly said, in the wellbeing of the tiger lies the wellbeing of the eco-system, and thus the wellbeing of man.