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IndiaWilds® - Conservation & Wildlife Photography Forums

Welcome to the IndiaWilds® - Conservation & Wildlife Photography Forums.

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    • Threads: 81
    • Posts: 429
  2. Conservation & Photography Last Post

    Conservation News, Discussions & Imagery

    1. Discuss issues of importance, threatening India's fast vanishing wilderness and its flora and fauna and discuss steps to be taken by 'us' instead of blaming the authorities.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,045
      • Posts: 2,649
    2. Equipment Discussions

      (189 Viewing)

      This forum is meant to discuss equipment used in photography, filming, viewing bird and animal behaviour etc


      1. Rajan Kanagasabai

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 410
      • Posts: 1,177
    3. Who's Who

      (126 Viewing)

      An area for members to introduce themselves, so that we can say hello to each other when we meet in the field.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 252
      • Posts: 1,045
    4. Tips to Improve your Photographic Skills and workflow. You need to login to access it. Threads are not displayed if you dont log in. Registration is free. Please click here to register : http://www.indiawilds.com/forums/register.php

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 97
      • Posts: 443

      Last Post:

  3. Wildlife Photography Last Post

    Showcase the beauty of India's wild places and its beautiful denizens. Photographs that force people to pause, look, ponder and ultimately take action. In order to strengthen the community building and also as a courtesy to other posters, please consider posting critiques to at least four other images while posting your own image.

    1. Mammals

      (361 Viewing)

      This forum is meant to post, critique Images of all mammals, wild and free, that are not restrained in any manner. Images should be from the Indian subcontinent and should not be taken in captivity or under controlled conditions. If any alteration is done in the image by cloning to remove or add grass, trees or other vegetation and/or parts of the subject ie. animal, bird etc please mention that in the posting. Please refrain from posting domestic cats and dogs.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 4,596
      • Posts: 24,991
    2. Birds

      (719 Viewing)

      This forum is meant to post, critique Images of all birds, wild and free, resident and migratory, that are not restrained in any manner. Images should not be taken in captivity or under controlled conditions and should be from the Indian subcontinent. If any alteration is done in the image by cloning to remove or add grass, trees or other vegetation and/or parts of the subject ie. animal, bird etc please mention that in the posting. Please refrain from posting crow and common pigeons

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 8,042
      • Posts: 39,932
    3. Landscapes

      (171 Viewing)

      This forum is meant to post, critique landscape images depicting the fast vanishing wilds of India. Images of towns and cities are not allowed. If any alteration is done in the image by cloning to remove or add grass, trees or other vegetation and/or parts of the subject ie. animal, bird etc please mention that in the posting. Also, stitched and HDR creations should be mentioned.


      1. Mrudul Godbole

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,189
      • Posts: 5,573
    4. This forum is meant to post, critique images of reptiles, amphibians and Fish that are not restrained in any manner. Images should not be taken in captivity or under controlled conditions. If any alteration is done in the image by cloning to remove or add grass, trees or other vegetation and/or parts of the subject please mention that in the posting.


      1. Abhishek Jamalabad

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 760
      • Posts: 3,633
    5. Invertebrates

      (190 Viewing)

      Images of all invertebrates ie. insects, Spiders, arachnids, crustaceans (marine & terrestrial crabs atc.), snails & slugs, worms, marine invertebrates such as corals, starfish etc.


      1. Abhishek Jamalabad

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 1,616
      • Posts: 6,440
    6. Flora & Fungi

      (184 Viewing)

      This forums is meant to document, post, critique images of our flora - flowering as well as non-flowering plants, trees, shrubs, bushes as well as Fungi etc. If any alteration is done in the image by cloning to remove or add elements then please mention that in the posting.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 344
      • Posts: 1,257
    7. Conservation Imagery

      (123 Viewing)

      Post all photos showing the conservation challenges, impact of human induced changes on wildlife habitat and wildlife like impact of roads, canals, infrastructure projects like power plants, pollution etc

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 29
      • Posts: 150
  4. Discussion Forum Last Post

    1. Natural History

      (241 Viewing)

      This forum is meant to report and discuss significant animal behaviour to help increase the overall understanding of our wildlife. You need to login to access it. Registration is free.


      1. Roopak Gangadharan

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 135
      • Posts: 1,293
    2. Sounds of Nature

      (123 Viewing)

      You can upload Sounds of nature - the wind, the rain, the streams, earthquakes, volcanoes, including animals, birds, insects etc. Please don't upload simulated sounds.

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 57
      • Posts: 224
    3. Wilderness Updates

      (397 Viewing)

      Reports of the Health of our Wild Places


      1. Roopak Gangadharan

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 163
      • Posts: 858
    4. General Discussions

      (137 Viewing)

      You can discuss any topic which is not covered in the Natural history, equipment discussions, Photography Tips and Workflow, Wilderness updates and Conservation forums

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 167
      • Posts: 561
    5. Image of the Month

      (133 Viewing)

      Criteria: Rare behaviour, action, impact, unique perspective, No cloning/adding removing elements/blurring/despeckling etc. Moderate levels of contrast and curves allowed. Raw image will be verified

      Forum Actions:

      Forum Statistics:

      • Threads: 31
      • Posts: 266

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  1. JamesEdult,
  2. LauraGoony,
  3. MichaelSlist

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  1. Rajesha Upadhyaya,
  2. Rishab Pillai (32)

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