Fukushima is in news again. Last year on march 11, 2011, the tsunami and earthquake resulted in a massive failure in the Fukushima nuclear power plant complex resulting in a nuclear disaster.
The proponents of the nuclear power lobby have become active again as the general public have forgotten the disaster. Recent news reports have revealed the impact of the disaster.
A Study published in the Scientific Reports has mentioned in detail the dangerous impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Scientists had collected butterflies to investigate the impact. Out of the 100 butterflies, about 12% of them had genetic mutations but in the next generation of the butterflies it was found that 34% had mutations. This indicated that the mutating genes could pass on to the next generation. This resulted in damaged wings, eyes, legs etc.
Butterflies as a species may have less resistance to radiation. In species that are more resistant, the impact will be seen much later.
For Further details one can check the Time NewsFeed: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/08/14/...ear-fukushima/