My sister forwarded this message and thought sharing with my Indiawilds friends
w w . i n d i a w i l d s . c o m
My sister forwarded this message and thought sharing with my Indiawilds friends
Something that many of us easily overlook. Gum also takes a very long time to degrade in nature compared to other foods.
Imp message...most of the effects of littering on other forms of life are perhaps not even known to us as not many will be intrested in a damp subject like that. It is ironic how so called 'waste' like discharges from industries, plastic, scrap, emissions etc have the highest impact on nature and even on our own lives mostly without even releasing it. What is waste for us is death or suffering for other forms of life and the nature around us. On the other hand perfectly balanced natural habitats like grass lands, wetands, sholas, deserts which do no harm any and sustain so much life are branded as Wastelands by humans and ruthlessly exploited. Our understanding of value and values seems to be grossly misguided by the obsession with momentary comforts and so called development.
Little things make a big, big difference/impact. If only people knew the repercussions created by those little things.
Thanks for sharing a worthy note.
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