The Honour for the Image of the Month September 2014 goes to the Image titled Jack-in-the box! by Abhishek Jamalabad
I liked the interesting perspective here. Full marks to the planning that went in creating this image.
Sharing the original text by Abhishek
"Indian monitor (juvenile)Varanus bengalensis | Masinagudi, Nilgiris
This monitor was extremely shy, and used to slip back into its burrow at the slightest movement on my part, even if saw my finger move across the dial. I did make some images from a distance shooting hand held, but a closer shot called for extreme measures. I set the camera up on my GorillaPod near the entrance to the burrow, and using the camera's USB cable, plugged in my mobile phone to help do the work. Since any movement near the camera would send the lizard straight back in, I captured this image using LiveView on the phone, even setting the EXIF values from the phone itself, while crouching a cable's length away from the setup. I used the 18-55 lens for better depth of field compared to the 100mm, because without focusing through the camera itself, I was sure I would miss the focus slightly. I had pre-focused to a point where I thought the lizard's eye would emerge, and used the phone to fine-tune the focus.
The focus and sharpness in this image are not the best. The lizard popped out only for a few seconds, and did not emerge again during my half hour wait.
Canon 500D, Canon 18-55mm IS at 53mm
SS 1/60
Av 16
ISO 400
EC -0.3
Full frame image
GorillaPod support
Remote operated using an Android phone & standard Canon USB cable with USB OTG adapter"