This year , winter migrants have made their entry into the Country like every year. In North Bengal , a reservoir created due to Teesta Barrage (inaugurated in 1987) has seen lots of winter migrants every year. From last week of Dec 2016, a rare vagrant species - a solitary Bean Goose (Anser fabalis) was spotted by local birder Amitava Basu. A leading Bengali daily covered the news on Jan 1, 2017 (
I planned a visit to that place Gajoldoba[26°45'31.2"N 88°34'53.1"E] long before for the weekend 7-8 Jan. I was lucky to spot the guest and captured few moments. Sharing them with you all.
Identification tips: Orange-yellow band through dark bill, lacks white forehead and dark belly bars of White Fronted Goose and has relatively dark head and orange legs.
In recent years, there have been some sighting reports from Assam.