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Thread: Air Quality Commission directs for 100 percent switching over of industries in Delhi

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    Default Air Quality Commission directs for 100 percent switching over of industries in Delhi

    Air Quality Commission directs for 100 percent switching over of industries in Delhi to PNG

    The Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR and Adjoining Areas reviewed the progress of switching over of Industries operating in Delhi to Piped Natural Gas with the Government of NCT of Delhi, GAIL and Indraprastha Gas Limited.

    About 1644 of Industrial Units spread across 50 industrial areas in Delhi had been identified to switch over to Piped Natural Gas (PNG). Though sizeable number of Industries are using PNG, the Commission stressed the need to switch over to PNG by all identified Industries in Delhi considering the fact that industrial sector is one of the major contributors to air pollution in Delhi and National Capital Region. Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) and Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL) were impressed upon to complete the pipeline network, metering and associated infrastructure.

    M/s IGL, Delhi Pollution Control Committee and Government of NCT of Delhi were also asked to work in close coordination with the industrial units so as to target completion of infrastructure works and complete switch over to PNG, by all the identified industrial units in Delhi, by 31st January, 2021. DPCC was also directed to inspect and identify the industries using unapproved fuels and to take stringent penal action in case of non-compliances.

    The smog in winter is a major problem in the National Capital region. Especially in view of the Covid-19, the impact of air pollution is going to be more harmful. So a speedy transition to piped natural gas would be better in the short run. In the long term, industries need to be moved away from residential areas and metro cities. The Government needs to do long-term planning of our major big cities and towns and ensure that industries move out into designated corridors. However that unfortunately is likely to remain as a piped dream.
    Last edited by Mrudul Godbole; 23-12-2020 at 12:32 PM.

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