Dear respected viewers, members and admin

Lots of people are asking about the photographer of the images used here and it is here by mentioned that all the images was photographed by me and Image 3 and Image 15 was photographed by Canon EOS 7D + Canon 500mm f4 IS II USM + Monopod and rest of the images photographed by Olymus OMD EM-1 + Zuiko 12-40mm f2.8 PRO. All the EXIF data is attached with images.

Image 13 is showing the rotten vegetation of forest floor after flood.
Time of visit was end of June and latter mid October 2016.
Special thanks to - Sanjib Pathak, Sujoy Biswas, Shyam Basumatari, Dilip Bodo, Umesh Das, Shyamal Dutta and Forest Department of Assam.

Samrat Sarkar