Good to see so many bee-eaters. However, I would like to see such a frame without cropping. These days with cameras having higher megapixel resolution anyone can crop. However, if you are able to compose the same frame with the full resolution available in your camera, then you can print big. Also, for editorial applications of important publications cropping is not allowed. A reuters photographer was once kicked out for cropping an element out of the frame. Even though one doesn't aspire to shoot high end work, creating a self goal of not cropping photos ie creating composition completely in camera results in big improvements in the photographer.

There are also lot of artifacts visible in your image. If this image is from an area near to you then I would suggest you to set up a hide and then photograph them. It will give you the ability to take up closeups without cropping. Several years ago, I had filmed this
Most of the shots are at 400mm or 560mm. And I had barely hidden myself. So you can do better with a proper hide. Look forward to more. Thanks for sharing.
