Save Wild India: IndiaWilds android app

Save Wild India: IndiaWilds android app

How do increase the level of awareness about the perilous state of nature and wildlife in India? Recently I was featured in a radio show in ubnradio titled “Animal Magnetism” hosted by Carolyn Hennesy who is a star in many a series in HBO and ABC channels as well as of the Terminator 3 fame.During theinterview while responding to a question about saving Wild India, I talked about the need to broadbase awareness about our nature and wildlife, its impact on climate change and on our lives, I responded that we need to reach out to different classes of people and convince them. The full radio interview can be found here:

IndiaWilds android app 4inchHomeScreen

IndiaWilds android app seen in a mobile screen


So how do we reach out to more people? Today most of us travel so much that we don’t have time to open our desktop computers or laptops at home. And there is a large group of people who don’t have access to computers but are accessing net through mobiles.In India most of the internet penetration is happening through mobile phones. So I think it is imperative to reach out to these busy executives as well as to people who don’t have access to computers. So we decided to create a mobile app to access IndiaWilds. Am extremely pleased to announce that we have created a mobile app for android phones to access IndiaWilds.please download the app from this link:


So nowpeople can access IndiaWilds anytime, anywhere without being tied to a computer. More importantly, IndiaWilds is available at the click of a button. To ensure good quality,we have developed this app through Business Compass LLC a company based in Randolph, New Jersey, United States.

Awareness is the first step before a person can become a champion of nature and wildlife. We protect those whom we love.

Malabar Giant Squirrel nibbling my camera strap

Malabar Giant Squirrel nibbling my camera strap

When people can access IndiaWilds through the mobile anytime, anywhere and see beautiful images and videos of wildlife, sceneries etc they will start loving these and will want to protect our fast vanishing wildlife and wilderness areas. People will also learn a lot by reading the articles, photography tips, camera equipment reviews, participate in discussions, I hope this app will help us in reaching out to more people to raise awareness about the challenges faced by Wild India and help in making a real impact on the conservation landscape. If you have anandroiddevice then please downloadthe app from this link:

Also please dont forget to share this among your friends and in social media so that the message can be spread far and wide and more and more people can now watch our documentaries, images, read and learn from the articles and join the discussions to raise their voice. In case you use iphone, blackberry, windows phone etc, we will look at the demand and prioritise our app development accordingly.

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