
The elephants having returned from the summer migration, we sighted more than a hundred of them. Unfortunately, in most of the sightings, the elephants were very close and even at 100mm, I could not fit the whole elephant in the frame. We even saw several tuskers. Also, we saw mothers with young calves, but could not shoot as the elephants would move into the bushes and the lantanna ensures tht one doesn't get a clear view.

Bandipur still is not as crowded as other places in the North, so we have the luxury of going around the entire tourism zone too, in a single safari. At this time, there is no route system, but there are rumors of it being implemented in the near future. Even during the most crowded weekends, the maximum no. of jeeps that go into the forest are about 10-12. Add another 2-3 govt. run buses and the number is still only 15. So, there really is no need for a procession