Came across this encouraging news article on IBNLive

Bhopal: A translocated tigress has given birth to three cubs in Panna Tiger Reserve of Madhya Pradesh. The tigress was translocated in March 2009 after the reserve lost its tiger population.
The birth of the cubs has been hailed by the conservationists and leaders of Madhya Pradesh.

"It is a very healthy sign. We have had this good news after the success of the translocation of a male tiger to Panna. We will not let tigers vanish," says Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan.

This is the first time a translocated tigress has given birth in India. Earlier two tigresses and a tiger were introduced in Sariska in Rajasthan after it lost its tiger population but the animals have failed to breed so far.
"It's a milestone for tiger conservation. It's a big achievement for India. We can say that tiger introduction plan has been successful in Panna," says Panna Tiger Reserve Director RS Murthy.
For a park that lost all its tigers to poaching the authorities are taking no chances.
To keep the cubs safe, tourist entry into the area has been stopped. What is critical now is to keep the tigress and her cubs safe from the poachers so that the disaster of the past is not repeated.

PS: There is a video on the original link of this article at