I have been fascinated by the Asian Paradise Flycatcher(APF) sheerly for the elegance and the rarity of it. But I have some confusion, I have encountered an APF at Sanjay Gandhi National park and had shared the image of it too in our forum(http://www.indiawilds.com/forums/sho...hp?16068-A-p-f) which was overall white in colour and black facial area. I was of the assumption that the male APF are white, with an elongated tail and the female are more brownish and shorter tail. But during my recent visit to Lokhandwala lake I came across an APF which was brownish in colour, had a fluorescent blue eyeliner kind of feature, and had an elongated brown tail. I am not sure if that was also a APF male or a female. Do APFs have two colours or are those different forms/ variety of APF? Being a novice in birding and more of an enthusiastic photographer I was keen to know the difference between the two APF's Unfortunately I coldnt get a shot of the brown APF as it was perched high in the trees and by the time I could capture it it flew off and disappeared into the woods.