Thanks, already bought the 760D. After the few trials I've done with it, I'm satisfied with its capabilities considering my needs.

I realised I was leaning towards the superior frame rate only because it seemed like an attractive upgrade :P . I am hardly going to use it for shooting action. In any case, the 5fps that comes with the 760D is a step up for me anyway. Contrary to what I had thought, 5 fps (760D) vs. 3 fps (500D) makes a HUGE difference - it is likely to get me significantly more usable macro shots when shooting without flash.

Like the 80D, the 760D has a vari-angle LCD, which will again get me many more odd-angle macro shots.
A major step up from my 500D (and the reason I chose the 760 over the 750) is a better control layout akin to the **D cameras.
Another, maybe minor feature change, is the shutter. I have almost no complaints about the 500D, but the shutter slap in this camera gradually started to annoy me over the years I've spent using it - is is loud and you can feel it slap really hard. The 760D and most other newer ***D cameras have a shutter that seems to have better damping, and is relatively silent (only a dull clunk).

Regarding Nikon vs Canon - I am glad I didn't pursue that idea too far . I am a person on a budget, and switching my macro system would probably have been a nightmare. Also, I realised I was comparing a much newer Nikon body to a much older Canon body, which didn't make sense. The 760D's image quality is up to par for me.