Leopards: The Last Stand

Film Title- Leopards: The Last Stand

Technical Details:

Duration: 60 mins

Format: Full HD 1080p 25p

Genre: Documentary/ Wildlife

Short description:

Leopards: The Last Stand is a humungous and holistic effort documenting Leopards living in proximity of human habitations covering five states in different parts of India, examining population impact, rural urban divide, infrastructure creation, Govt. policies, agricultural policies, lack of awareness, culture and religious ethos.


India has the 7th largest landmass in the world and is also one of the top 10 mega biodiversity countries. It also has the second largest human population in the world which is soon going to overtake the population of China. This massive human population is increasingly placing massive anthropomorphic pressures on our natural world. In India the conservation efforts are largely focused on the apex predator – the tiger – and the other charismatic predator the leopard is ignored. Leopards can live in sparse vegetation and survive on smaller prey. Our ever-expanding human habitations are causing conflict and leopards who were once very common are now being wiped out from much of India’s landscape. To bring focus on the plight of leopards in a human dominated landscape we undertook an epic effort to document leopards living in close proximity of human habitations across various parts of India. 

This led to crisscrossing the length and breadth of India in search of leopards. Leopard being a secretive predator, it was important for us to act like a lean machine. And of course we didn’t have the massive budgets of large channels. So it was me (Sabyasachi) driving my Tata Safari and Mrudul navigating and moving with me hand in hand, step by step across forests, rivers, deserts, rainforests, ravines, agri fields, mountains and various other landscapes. We faced many near-death experiences like tumbling down from a hill, escaped landslides, accidents, as well as lost footage in power surge and the inevitable budgetary issues. Finally, I decided to distil down and showcase the stories from five states in India – from Rajasthan in North West, Uttarakhand in North, Assam in North East, Karnataka in South and Maharashtra in Western India.

We have also interviewed cross section of people including farmers, village leaders, shepherds, tea garden workers, tribals, people impacted by Human-Leopard Conflict including survivors, experts, NGOs, scientists, Power sector experts advising Government, Psychologists as well as Priests of Temples to examine the impact of human population, rural urban divide, Government Policies, Politics, Cultural ethos, new settlers in forest fringes and hills, Infrastructure development, Fear etc to get a holistic perspective.  This film “Leopards The Last Stand” will be like a discovery of India through a different lens. The music too will give a flavor of the landscape.

The ambitious scale of this film presented many challenges to us, and our passion made us persevere. Understanding leopard behaviour in different parts of the country had its own challenges and took a long time. While traveling in small places in India, I was downloading files into a GRAID and another hard disk. There was a power surge and the hard disk got fried. Despite spending lot of money, we couldn’t recover the files. Lot of amazing footage where leopard had come and sat close to my hide as well as many once in a lifetime footage and interviews were lost forever. It sent me into a depression. It took lot of mind power, spiritual practices, hypnotherapy learnings etc to pull myself out of it and resume shooting. As we were about to wrap up the film, covid throttled us. And then tragedy struck and unfortunately Mrudul passed away. At the core of this effort, we started as a one man and one woman team. Now I am completing this film with only Mrudul’s soul standing by my side. This film took 10 years to complete. With tearful eyes I dedicate this film to (Late) Mrudul Godbole.


Direction, Cinematography, Editing: Sabyasachi Patra

“B” Camera, Aerial Filming, Sound: (Late) Mrudul Godbole

Script: Sabyasachi Patra

Script Editor: Shyamanuja Das

Narration: Alex Warner

Music: Anil Nallan Chakravarthy

Executive Producer: (Late) Mrudul Godbole

Produced by: Sabyasachi Patra/ Wild Tiger Productions
Year of Production: 2023

© Wild Tiger Productions MMXXIII


Director Biography:

Sabyasachi Patra, an Engineer and MBA by education, worked for 18 years in senior positions in the corporate world in India before deciding to pursue his passion for filmmaking and wildlife conservation and set up his boutique filming company Wild Tiger Productions.

Realizing the power of films as a medium in spreading conservation awareness, Sabyasachi has been filming the vanishing wildlife and wilderness areas of India and trying to show the complex ecological linkages between various species. He weaves lessons from his strategic analysis and other management skills to present the wildlife films to a wider range of people. He uses latest cinema cameras and other high-end equipment along with perseverance to continue projects for years. He has survived falls from mountain, attacks by tiger and elephants and has been crisscrossing India for his shoots.

Sabyasachi is also a TEDx speaker. He speaks on strategy to various corporate audiences, weaving examples from films and from the wild.



Director Statement:

In India the conservation narrative revolves around the tiger. In this process, an equally charismatic albeit smaller in size predator, the leopard is facing unprecedented challenges. Every other day there is a news about a leopard dying. To bring attention to the plight of leopards, I started to document leopards living in close proximity of human habitations. Soon I got sucked into this and continued criss-crossing India. Facing deaths many times in many forms, ill health including mental health, this shoot spreading over years changed me as a person. I have distilled the essence from my shoot and present you various perspectives and learnings in this one hour film titled “Leopards: The Last Stand”.

Contact: sabyasachi.patra@indiawilds.com & sabyasachi.patra@gmail.com  cell/whatsapp/signal: +919910900446

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