I fully agree that population is an area that is often overlooked. I am often dismayed by the response of the so called educated class who feel just because they have money, so they can have more kids. Long back, in a letters to editor, Sobha Dey (the socialite) had argued that since she is affluent she should have the right to have more kids than people who don't have more money. Though I don't agree with Sanjay Gandhi's actions about forcible operations, these kinds of views of affluent people should be having more kids or your kid needs company kind of arguments need to be condemned as well.

Bio-fuels is another area which doesn't help the environment. When I was a kid, I remember reading an article that there are lot of lands unused near the railway tracks and those can be used for the jatropha cultivation and it will help in bio-fuels. Perhaps the person who had written that article has no idea about environment. In a number of places the tracks pass either near wetlands or forests or other areas which has its own unique micro ecosystem. Ultimately what happens is that the productive fields are used for these cash crops. For how long can we run away from attacking the root cause? The best way is to improve the public transport. That will help more people stay away from their own transport.

The kind of taxation in Singapore also acts as a detriment and helps. There are various categories. There are certain registrations which allow you to drive vehicles only on the weekends. Most of the people use public transport. We can improve the public transport fast.