Hi Freinds

This is Ravi Vaidyanathan from Mumbai, the economic capital of India

Joined this forum ages back but then didnt come back to check on it or contribute !! Now that I'm here, lets see how it goes

Professionally into an NBFC handling the Investment Banking Backoffice, Operations and MIS

On the other side am a trekker and rock climbing enthusiast. Took the camera first time during the first trek 15 years back and has not put it down yet. Been trekking both in the Sahyadri and the Himalaya and put in tags for around 350 odd forts in and around Maharashtra in Google Earth. Am the moderator and updater for our trekking group website http://www.chakramhikers.com

Started birding seriously around 5 years back and this has branched into many fields, viz. birding, butterflies, moths, animals, reptiles, etc etc

Been involved in updating the moths and butterflies pages in wikipedia with information and pictures

Other hobbies include reading, watching movies, surfing, cooking, etc etc
