Dear Debasis,
Chital are known to eat crabs. George Schaller has mentioned it in his book "The Deer & The Tiger". He writes "Chital in the Sundarbans apparently eat small red crabs of an unidentified species, the remains of which have been found in the rumen (Stanford, 1951)". Chital and barking deer are different species so we can't infer from Chital's habits. Nevertheless, there is a lot which we don't know and more funds should flow into scientific observations.


Quote Originally Posted by Debasis Bose View Post
Some more information from National Geography to make it interesting.

This is from EOL
As per Encyclopedia Of Life, Muntjac's are omnivorous, feeding on grass,fruits, shoots, seeds, birds' eggs as well as small animals. It sometimes displays even scavenging behavior, feeding on carrion.

In my view, in India someone needs to do in depth research on these prehistoric deer. Also one interesting factor is Kakar has the minimum number of chromosomes, in fact lower than some low calorie fruits. Surpisingly they differ between male and female muntjac too, male has only 7 and female 6, do not understand how the genes are passed to the off springs.