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Thread: Jhurjhura tigress in Bandhavgarh is dead

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    Default Actuall Report on Death of Jhurjhuria Tigress**

    Dear Members & The Team India wilds,
    Please read the report till the end, We seek Each IW members participation in fight for justice for the late angel ''Jhurjhuria Tigress''...

    Field Visit to Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve regarding recent tigress mortality Report of the Member Secretary, NTCA

    As directed, the undersigned visited the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve (MP) on 31st May and 1st June, 2010 to ascertain the factual status regarding the recent mortality of a tigress. The factual status/ observations based on interactions with the CCF and Field Director, staff and wildlife enthusiasts/tour operators, besides site visit are as below:

    1. The tigress was a resident, breeding animal at ‘Jhurjhura’ (Tala Range) which forms part of the core/ critical tiger habitat.

    2. The tigress, alongwith its 3 cubs (around 6 months old) has been intensively photographed/ seen/ monitored by the park management and visitors. The said tigress has also been captured by the research team from the Wildlife Institute of India in its data collection process using camera traps.

    3. The tigress was last seen by visitors and photographed on 17-05-2010 during the forenoon, besides sighting by tourists in the evening till 5 PM (Jhurjhura dam)

    4. On 18-05-2010 the tigress was not seen in its usual area (Jhurjhura dam).

    5. The tigress was used to viewing by visitors and there are no reports of the animal showing any aggressive behavior.

    6. The day-to-day record of vehicular entry (tourist vehicles) is maintained by the park management at the main entry point (Tala).

    7. It is learnt that 3 Govt. vehicles (2 belonging to the park management and 1 outsourced by the CEO, Zila Panchayat, Umaria) entered the park in the late afternoon on 18-05-2010. Besides, 2 park vehicles also went inside for the routine patrolling works from Tala to Kallwah which did not pass through the tiger spot. These 2 vehicles did not return back to Tala and stayed at Kallwah.

    8. Of the other 3 vehicles, one park vehicle returned back to Tala with the staff from the main gate around 9.30 PM on the same night.

    9. The other 2 vehicles indicated at serial no. 7 included the vehicle of Range Officer, Magdhi and an outsourced vehicle used by the CEO, Zila Panchayat, Umaria, who was on an inspection visit relating to works being carried out under NREGA for water impounding at the Magdhi Range.

    10. It is reliably learnt from various people that the above 2 vehicles indicated at serial no. 9 stayed beyond the permitted park timings and visited the in-situ enclosure at Baheraha (Magdhi Range) for viewing the tiger cubs housed in the same (which is not permitted). Further, the vehicles also went to the tigress spot at Tala and returned back via Bhadrashila barrier instead of the main gate, which is also a cause of suspicion.

    There is a strong indication (emerging out of the detailed interaction with the local people and the Field Director) that the tigress was fatally hit by one of these vehicles. The occupants in both these vehicles included the following persons:
    a) Shri Akshay Kumar Singh, CEO Zila Panchayat, Umaria
    b) Lalit Kumar Pandey, Range Officer, Magdhi
    c) Dr. K.K. Pandey, Veterinary Assistant Surgeon, Tala
    d) A relative of Shri Akshay Kumar Singh and 3 children
    e) Shri Man Singh, Driver of Range Officer, Magdhi
    f) A driver of the vehicle used by the CEO, Umaria.
    (It is also learnt that Dr. KK Pandey owns a lodge named ‘Tiger Heaven’ and wields considerable influence in the area. He was also present in the PM subsequently, and has provided his vehicle to the CEO, Umaria office on a contractual basis/ arrangement. He volunteered for bringing the post mortem report from Jabalpur, while using the same vehicle provided to the CEO, Zila Panchayat, Umaria.)

    11. On 19.05.2010, the tigress was seen in an abnormal/ injured condition by several tourist vehicles and the park staff. The Field Director and the Deputy Director were away on tour to Bhopal during the period for participating in the State Wildlife Advisory Board and other meetings.
    On learning about the condition of the tigress, the Field Director telephonically instructed for cordoning of the area.

    12. The tigress was found dead in the Jhurjhura dam on 19.05.2010 at around 9.20 AM. The PM was carried out the next day after preserving the carcass in a deep freeze by a team of veterinary experts which included Dr. AB Shrivatava, Associate Professor, veterinary college, Jabalpur. The Field Director telephonically apprised the undersigned about the incident. Shri Satyendra Tiwari, wildlife enthusiast and tour operator was suggested from the NTCA to be present alongwith Dr. AB Shrivastava during the PM.

    13. The PM has revealed that the tigress has succumbed on account of seviour impact by due to a hard/ blunt object. There were no signs of external injury or bullet wounds. There are enough arguments/ evidences which strongly indicate that the 2 vehicles carrying the CEO, Zila Panchayat
    Umaria, Range Officer, Magdhi and others as indicated at serial no. 10 was involved in this accident.

    14. Since then the State Forest Department has suspended the Asstt. Director, and two Range Officers (RO Magdhi and RO Tala). In this context, the following urgent actions are suggested:
    I. Advising the State for an urgent CBI probe into the whole incident which would, interalia, address the related issues (violation of rules, corruption, nexus, if any, between the lower functionaries of the park and tourist operators etc.)

    II. Advising the State for immediately housing the orphaned tiger cubs in an in-situ enclosure within the park, with the technical advice of the Wildlife Institute of India and the NTCA, with Central Assistance.
    III. Advising the State for strict regulation of tourism in Tiger Reserves vis-ŕ vis the advisories issued by the MoEF for adhering to the carrying capacity.
    IV. Urging the State Govt. to expedite the notification of buffer zones around the core areas of Tiger Reserves, and according them further statutory protection under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 and placing the same under the unified control of respective Field Directors.
    V. Advising the State to address the District Collectors to examine the corridor value of an area before granting permission for a change in its landuse vis-ŕ-vis the State level corridor connectivity identified in the recent all India Tiger estimation.
    VI. Strengthening the hands of the Field Director (who is a dedicated, trained officer with good track record) by posting motivated Deputy Director, Assistant Director and Range Officers, besides filling up the frontline staff vacancies.

    Date: 01.06.2010

    Dr. Rajesh Gopal
    Member Secretary
    NTCA, Camp Bandhavgarh

    Last edited by Mrudul Godbole; 01-06-2010 at 10:36 PM.

  2. #2
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    Good to know that the faults have cleanly come out without much hush up.

    Query: Why was Satyendra Tiwari called for the Post Mortem? Wasn't he the guy who mowed down a tiger cub last year?
    Bibhav Behera

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    Thumbs up Support for CBI Enquiry

    Hi Pratibha,

    A CBI enquiry is a must in this case, since there has been a lot of coverups and different versions of the accident. It is essential to get the accused punished and take proper measures to avoid similar incidents in the future.

    I appreciate the effort taken by Mr. Rajesh Gopal for supoorting this cause. I support the cause totally.

    Mrudul Godbole

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    Am sorry, I might get moderated -
    But I'd let them on foot in tiger territory...
    unfortunately am seriously convinced the tigers would not even touch them
    ~ NIKHIL

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    I agree that only a CBI enquiry can uncover the truth. I wonder whether the Madhya Pradesh Government will agree to it.

    I am sure, wildlifers will write to the authorities demanding for a CBI enquiry.


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    Default Are the Routes Still Closed?

    I've been hearing rumors that most or all of the tourist routes in Bandhavgarh are closed? Is this true? Does the Forest Dept. update park status? I know two routes were closed after this tragedy. I plan on going there at the end of this week.

    I am from MP and what puzzles me most is that the middle class there is ambivalent about the forests reserves in the state.

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    Default Please sign the petition'

    Dear all,
    The world is seeking justice for Tigress Jhurhura, Please back your voice by signing the petition...
    We have to keep up the pressure if we want to bring a change in the present system and I am counting on you all to give us the support and sign the petition.



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    Heard that one of the Jhurjhura cubs died. Can anyone confirm this?
    Bibhav Behera

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    Yes is it Jhurjhuria's cub...Will post more details soon.

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    I need to know whether the jhurjhura tiger cubs are safe or they have also tasted the same faith just like their parents.

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    Default Remaining 2 Cubs seems to be fine in an fenced enclosure...

    ‎(Chandrakant Patil) Field Director Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve Umaria (MP) writes letter to NTCA Head Regarding jhurjhura cubs
    Office of the Field Director, Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve Umaria (MP)

    No./Mgmt./879 Umaria, dated 12th August 2010

    Dr. Rajesh Gopal,
    Member Secretary,
    National Tiger Conservation Authority,
    Ministry of Environment and Forests,
    Govt. of India,
    Bikaner House, Annexe No. 5
    Shahjahan Road,
    New Delhi 110 011

    Sub: Information regarding Jhurjhura cubs.

    Ref: Discussion in your office on 10th August, 2010 and instructions given on 12th August, 2010 on telephone.

    Respected Sir,
    Jhurjhura tigress was killed in an accident on 19-05-2010. During your visit to Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve on 31st May and 1st of June 2010, it was decided that the three orphaned cubs of Jhurjhura tigress should be kept in an enclosure at this spot itself because the cubs are familiar with the area.

    This area is a hilly area and because of that the work of chainlink fence was quite difficult. This area is also a favorite spot of tigers because of the presence of large number of caves in the area.
    Chainlink fencing of 3 kms. length was prepared to enclose about 45.208 ha. area. A machan was constructed near Jhurjhura talab and the cubs were given feed near this place. After the start of rainy season, the cubs were not visiting this place regularly since 27th July 2010. They were seen near a cave on the morning of 28th July 2010 by Mahaout Ramzan and Jannu alongwith beat guard Gohadi.

    I was on leave from 30th July 2010 to 3rd August 2010 for my son's admission in Hyderabad. After that, I had attended a meeting on 4th and 5th August 2010 regarding Tiger Show in Madhya Pradesh in which Shri Dharmendra Shukla, APCCF (Wildlife), Field Director, Pench Tiger Reserve, Shri K. Naik and Field Director, Kanha Tiger Reserve Shri H.S. Negi were also present at Kisli. I returned to Umaria at 9:30 PM on 5th August 2010.

    Since I was away from my head quarter for about an week, I was in my office on 6th August, 2010. In the night at about 8:30 PM, Range Officer Tala informed me that he has seen some bones within the enclosed area and he has a doubt that these are the bones of a tiger cub. Since it was already night, I instructed him to reach at the spot early in the next morning. I also reached the spot and gathered the information from the staff present there. Then I reached the place where the bones were seen by the Range Officer, Tala. At the spot, Asstt. Director, Tala Shri D.P. Shukla, Range Officer, Tala Shri R.K. Tripathi, Range Asstt. Tala Shri G.P. Namdeo and other staff and casual workers were present. It had rained in the evening and the soil was wet. Some of the bones along with a skull were scattered on the ground and some were covered with the mud. The staff searched the place for about 4 hours and collected all the pieces of bones. 18 nails of tiger cub were also found. Range Officer, Tala informed me about the movement of a male tiger and a female tiger from the earlier litter of Jhurjhura tigress near the fence. It was clear that one of the cub has died and probably it was killed by one of them. It was not clear whether the dead cub was a male or one of the two female cubs.

    I had informed you in the night on the same day on telephone. After that, I visited the place in the night and a goat was tied there. Staff was watching the place and they heard some movement but could not see the cubs. In the morning it was observed that they had eaten the legs and other pieces of a goat previously given to them which was near by but they did not touch the new goat.

    Next day, i.e. on 8th August 2010, the two cubs came to the spot again in the night at around 9:00 PM and they had eaten the goat which was tied in the earlier night. They were there at the spot till early morning. I visited the spot in the morning of 9th August 2010 at around 8:00 AM and I had seen the pugmarks of cubs in the nala nearby. After that I came to Umaria and went to Jabalpur and from there to Delhi to attend the workshop on 10th August 2010 organized by Wildlife Crime Control Bureau. I visited your office on the same day and informed you regarding the developments.

    After finishing my work in Delhi, I went to Bhopal on 11th August 2010 and apprised Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife), Madhya Pradesh regarding this issue. After that, I have come back to Umaria today and going to visit the place tonight.

    I will inform you regarding further developments from time to time.

    Thanking you,
    Yours Sincerely,

    (Chandrakant Patil)
    Field Director
    Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve
    Umaria (MP)

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    Default Wishy washy reply

    Field Director, Mr Patil's reply is vague.

    What is he saying? That he and his team are incapable of protecting 3 cubs in a closed enclosure? That too on a subject that has attracted attention from far and wide. His reply sounds very casual. Looks like he has been traveling all around the country side attending to other chores.

    How can they protect the whole park if they cannot protect them in an enclosure?

    There is no fear of punishment. No senior IFS officer in India has been punished for negligence of duty. So, they live in this imaginary world and run their own fiefdoms.

    Its high time that an officer like Chandrakant Patil is suspended and a detailed enquiry is conducted so that the message goes loud and clear to all other field directors and such things don't happen again.

    God save the Tiger from the most notorious form of danger. Our Forest officers.

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    It is a sad state of affairs. A cub is presumably killed as some bones and nails are found. They don't know if it belongs to one of the three cubs of jhurjhura tigress or not. Also, one doesn't know if the tiger cub is poached, skinned and body left behind for scavengers. (Any lawyer will raise this kind of question).

    The manner in which the field director has answered mentioning his absence in the station, he perhaps indicates that this incident could have been averted if he would have been in station? Or is it poor letter writing skills?

    Unless the forest department officials are alert and have the requisite skills and the will power, we can safely assume that this is a lost cause. God save our tigers.


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    Default Cubs pictures...

    The evidence of other two cubs survival has been captured in trap cameras four days ago, we assume its an authentic news since the pictures published is by an NGO-Tiger Guards of India from Bandavgarh'

    Pls chk here


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    Default Jhujhura Tigress death 1 year complete

    It is been nearly a year since the tragic death of the Jhurjhura Tigress in Bandhavgarh and still guilty has not been brought to justice.

    Today I received the following mail written to the President of India, and other concerned authorities asking for justice. I request everyone to write to the authorities and force them to take action. I am producing the text of the mail as is which is been sent by Richa Nara. We need more people to write such emails and letters.

    Mail from Richa Nara:

    From: Richa Nara <richieritz@yahoo.com>
    Date: Mon, May 2, 2011 at 12:51 PM
    Subject: regarding the tragic slaying of the Jhurjhura Tigress ---one year passed and still no conviction
    To: presidentofindia@rb.nic.in, cm@mp.nic.in, cm@valbh.mp.nic.in, mosef@nic.in, dirpt-r@nic.in, envisect@nic.in, manmohan@sansad.nic.in, pmosb@pmo.nic.in, info@cecindia.org
    Cc: michael.vickers@homecall.co.uk, sabyasachi.patra@indiawilds.com

    The President of India-copies to The Prime Minister, Prime Minister Sh Manmohan Singh, MoEF Jairam Ramesh, Chief Minister of M.P and Member Secretary, Central Empowered Committee

    Smt. Pratibha Devising Patil, Her Excellency The President of India, Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi-110-004, INDIA

    Madam President

    You are probaly aware that an year ago on 18 May 2010 at Bandhavgarh National Park a tigress known locally as Jhurjhura-the mother of three six month old cubs was mortally wounded by a vehicle driven into her and died the following morning from her wounds. Almost twelve months have elapsed since this tragedy ocurred and since then the killing of the tigress has been compounded by the death of one of her cubs.

    Shortly after the tigress was killed the Member Secretary of the National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) visited Bandhavgarh to investigate and report on the incident to the Minister of Environment and Forests. This report contained certain recommendations including calling for an urgent CBI enquiry into the tragedy. However the State Government of Madhya Pradesh opted for an investigation by the CID and later the Special Task Force (STF) of the State police.

    A number of prominent persons including a Forest Officer were in the vehicles that allegedly slammed into the tigress at night. For this reason I am very concerned that the present STF enquiry will be prolonged and the matter eventually dropped without a criminal charge being brought against the perpetrators of this heinous crime that has been carried out to one of India's National Animals. Below you will see an extract from the report prepared by the Member Secretary of the NTCA where he names the occupants of the two vehicles that stayed in the tiger reserve beyond the permitted park timings:-

    “10. It is reliably learnt from various people that the above 2 vehicles indicated
    at serial no. 9 stayed beyond the permitted park timings and visited the in-situ enclosure at Baheraha (Magdhi Range) for viewing the tiger cubs housed in the same (which is not permitted). Further, the vehicles also went to the tigress spot at Tala and returned back via Bhadrashila barrier instead of the main gate, which is also a cause of suspicion.

    There is a strong indication (emerging out of the detailed interaction with the local people and the Field Director) that the tigress was fatally hit by one of these vehicles. The occupants in both these vehicles included the following persons:

    a) Shri Akshay Kumar Singh,CEO Zila Panchayat,Umaria
    b) Lalit Kumar Pandey, Range Officer, Magdhi
    c) Dr.K.K.Pandey,Veterinary Assistant Surgeon,Tala
    d) A relative of Shri Akshay Kumar Singh and 3 children
    e) Shri Man Singh,Driver of Range Officer,Magdhi
    f) A driver of the vehicle used by the CEO, Umaria.

    (It is also learnt that Dr. KK Pandey owns a lodge named ‘Tiger Heaven’ and wields considerable influence in the area. He was also present in the PM subsequently, and has provided his vehicle to the CEO, Umaria office on a contractual basis/ arrangement. He volunteered for bringing the post mortem report from Jabalpur, while using the same vehicle provided to the CEO, Zila Panchayat, Umaria.)”
    In the circumstances I would politely but urgently request you as Head of State to make enquiries and investigate why this matter is taking so long to reach a conclusion and the guilty persons have not as yet been apprehended and appeared before a court of law.

    I look forward to receiving your reply.

    Yours respectfully and sincerely
    Richa Nara
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