Read this news in Indian Express, cant expect anything from common man when people in charge act this way.

WII sets trees on fire to drive out leopard
Neha Sinha
Tags : Wildlife Institute of India, Leopard
Posted: Sun May 30 2010, 02:40 hrs
New Delhi:

The Wildlife Institute of India has found itself in a quan-dary over protection of wildlife in its own backyard.

The opinion of faculty was divided over what to do about a female leopard who visits the campus to drink water. While one section wanted the animal translocated, another maintained that this went against the institute’s teachings on coexistence with wildlife. Matters came to a head on Saturday when the institute set fire to several trees inside the campus to drive out the leopard. Meanwhile, some students and faculty appealed to the administration to avoid causing any harm to the animal.

The Indian Express had earlier reported how the faculty at the institute was in the midst of an intense debate on whether the leopard should be touched or not. However, following protests by some faculty members, WII decided to study the leopard. Now, fresh attempts are being made to chase the leopard away, said sources.

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