Dear All,
I found this article in Times of India and am deeply disturbed by this. I thought of sharing it with you all.

Look forward to your comments.


Karizanga forest, home guards protest non-payment of salaries
PTI 24 October 2009, 01:38pm IST
KAZIRANGA: Over 200 forest and home guards deployed at the famed Kaziranga National Park held a demonstration to protest non-payment of their salaries for several months.

The personnel came out of the jungles and demonstrated in front of KNP's main office in Kohora range demanding payment of their last five months salaries.

Shouting slogans, the demonstrating home guards demanded immediate payment of their salaries as they were facing immense hardships.

Yesterday, 65 casual forest guards engaged by the forest department had demonstrated against the KNP authority demanding payment of their seven months salary.

The Park authorities urged the demonstrators to return to their duty and assured them that their salaries would be paid as the amount was already budgeted for by the government.

On being asked what alternate steps the Forest department was taking for protection of the Park in view of the security personnel leaving their posts, Divisional Forest Officer D Gogoi, said he was proceeding to the Park to take stock of the situation.

The source article can be found at this link: