It is very important to keep in mind the light. Early morning and late evening lights have that warm glow and enhance our images. During early morning and late evenings the Sun is near the horizon and the light passes through the atmosphere for a longer time and the resulting scattering due to dust particles and reflections, the light becomes soft. At other times of the day, the Sun is much above the horizon and the light becomes harsh and it results in deep shadows. It is always better to keep this in mind while photographing.

Unfortunately, some of our national parks and wildlife sanctuaries open late in the day and it becomes difficult to photograph in good light. So always try to photograph early in the morning or late in the evenings and if it is a protected area, then be ready to enter as soon as the gate opens. Some more details about light:

In this case, you are shooting against the light. So you can see the deep shadows. Also, due to the time of the day, the bright sky, the image appears washed out.

The composition is fine. You can post images with 800 pixels on the longest side. Including borders take away space that you could have used for showing a bigger image.

You should also have a look at this tutorial which gives you an idea about how to correctly expose images using the histogram of your camera:

Please check the tips section for various tutorials.
