This is an unfortunate incident. I am sad to hear it. One can find a few details from this link:

Why was the tiger brought to Cicada? For display?

Was this tiger baited and it got into a cage? How was the process done.

I am never too happy with the ability of our wildlife Vets in India. Most of the times the dosage is not correct and hence the animals die during tranquilising. There have been instances of tiger deaths after tranquilisation in some of our other National Parks. Overdose may be a possibility. Mishandling is another.

In this report Dr Ullas Karanth was quoted as saying, "Forest department officials had contacted us to radio-collar the tigress, but we did not do so as she was stressed and was emanciated. She was not eating properly as well".

One sad incident doesn't mean that any good work done by them like the closing of road was also bad. I hope this sad incident serves as an alarm call and leads to restructuring and strengthening of our forest service.

Am looking forward to the post mortem report.
