The extreme right in the image is dark.

I am not able to discern any correlation of love for environment with respect to political leanings. The so called middle which ruled India for ten years till May 2014 was bad. But the impact on environment by the currently ruling party (far right on the spectrum) on environment is really dark. Extreme left have never ruled India, but their impact on environment and wildlife in some of the states they have ruled doesn't inspire confidence either.

Quote Originally Posted by Roopak Gangadharan View Post
"What a year 2015 was, when ‘Bad times’ have to be redefined again and again"

Mrudul : Subhash has all the space on the far left.....his feelings for the far right seem very clear....atleast on the political spectrum

Sad to hear that this friend of yours got run down by a vehicle. Hope many more people can get such precious experiences as yours which remains as good memories for years. Watching such a majestic bird from close quarters and that too all alone is a dream. Thanks for sharing.